Sundown Farm & Ranch

Located in Southwest Colorado, Dan and Anita Fernandez purchased the ranch in 1990 from the family of the original homesteaders. The 1,180 acre ranch sprawls over range land, sage brush, canyons, improved pastures and farmland. The panoramic view of mountains on all sides is virtually unobstructed by any man-made structure. The isolation, remoteness, and natural beauty enhances the spectacular sunsets that we experience almost every day.

The windmill, fully restored in 2012, serves as a subject of photographers and is a local landmark. The house was a way station on the original Salt Lake to Albuquerque stagecoach run. To this date, we continue to find a variety of old western artifacts. We have over 200 acres of improved pastures for rent or long term lease with water and cross fencing which are suitable for cattle and horses. Email for quotes and availability. See gallery photos for pastures.

In late 2012, the entire ranch was placed in a permanent Conservation Easement to permanently protect the production & pasture land and the diverse ecology and wildlife.

There is a ranch-related photo gallery HERE.

Ranch Drone Footage

Monopoly Game Collection 1933 to 1954 Vintage, Antique & Rare

Dan and Anita have been collecting early United States Monopoly Games since the late 1980s, when they purchased a small collection at an auction. The collection now contains more than 80 different game variations from 1933 to 1954, and a host of rare Monopoly Game Components. For this specific time period, the collection is the most complete in the United States (missing a few specialty items), and the entire collection is pictured in detail with descriptions on this site.

A number of exceptionally rare Charles B. Darrow games are in the collection, including a 1933 Darrow Oil Cloth and components, the 1933 First Darrow White Box which holds the 23 inch board and components, 2 complete 1934 Darrow White Boxes with 20 inch boards & a 1935 Darrow Black Box set. Also, fully one third of the collection consists of Original Sealed Games and Sealed Components.

Dan is always available to answer questions pertaining to early Monopoly Games and can be reached at the following email: He is also happy to provide Monopoly Game evaluations free of charge, but to provide an accurate evaluation, it is important to provide him with PHOTOS of the game box, components and game board (both sides)if present.

The PHOTO GALLERY of specific Monopoly games, game variations and game components is HERE.

You can find BASIC MONOPOLY information HERE.

Antique Longcase Grandfather, Wall & Mantel Clock Collection

Dan has had a small collection of Wall and Mantle Clocks for several years with an emphasis that they are fully operational, have original parts and keep good time. Dan has fully restored all the clocks to working condition with the help of Facebook Antique Clock groups and trial and error.

Starting in late 2023, he began to focus on Longcase Grandfather Clocks and clock mechanisms from the 1700s, which is quite the challenge, especially when trying to find parts. Most original parts have to be purchased from England with most found on eBay. Also, extensive information on these early clocks is very difficult to find – usually you can find the clockmakers name, city and date range of manufacture but not much else.

He currently has 2 Longcase Grandfather clocks in the house; a 1740 Francis Corrall and a 1720 Ben Packham that are in excellent condition and keep accurate time. He has also restored a 1750 Richard Stonehouse Grandfather clock face and mechanism that is now a wall clock.

Many 1700s Longcase Grandfather Clocks are available online but shipping can be expensive. The 1700s Clock dial and mechanisms that are available originally came from the large wooden clock cases but many of those cases didn't survive.

Dan presently has two Longcase Grandfather clocks and several eventual wall clocks in varying stages of restoration in his shop and all are from the early to late 1700s.

Here is the Clock PHOTO GALLERY.

Visible Gas Pumps

Although Dan originally had no interest in gasoline memorabilia of any kind, things changed when he saw the old visible gas pump in the barn. The restoration of old visible gas pumps, combined with the help of obtaining original parts on eBay, has caused Anita to lose Dan many a fall and spring weekend to the shop.

The Visible Pumps that have recently been restored are two 1928 Fry Tall Ten Model 87's, two 1928 Wayne 615's and a 1928 G & B Gilbert and Barker T-176. One Fry 87 and the G & B T - 176 are for SALE.

You can find more information here, and there is also a photo gallery.

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